Medici specialisti Suedia

Acest job nu mai este activ (data de expirare a fost depașită).
Job publicat de: Dana
Locație: (Suedia)
Telefon: 00460702167186
Data: 23-11-2010
The ideal candidate should have:
1. Diplomă de licenţă de doctor medic
2. Certificat de medic specialist
We expect the application of highly motivated doctors who are willing to invest their time into the Swedish language education - costs are paid by the future employer!

We are looking for specialists for our clients from Sweden.

The salary and conditions of the labour contract are equal to those of the labour contracts of Swedish co-workers, working in the same job and having the same amount of experience years.

Prior to commencement of employment en during the employment everyone will get:
- registration for a licence to practice in Sweden to the Socialstyrelsen (
- education in Swedish language, culture and communication;
- introduction into the Swedish living and working environment;
- assistance with finding of affordable housing; all other needed administration and settlement matters, like Swedish Social security number, bank account, insurance etc.

The working week in Sweden is 40 hours from 8 am till 5 pm with a lunch break. You are entitled to holiday, the length depends on age:
If you are below 40 - 25 days.
If you are over 40 - 31 days.
If you are over 50 - 32 days.

Sweden offers many social benefits:
- child benefit
- house benefit
- professional liability insurance
- maternity leave - 360 days for each child with 80 % of your salary
- free dental care for children up to 19 years old
- free primary, secondary and high schools
- free lunch and books in primary and secondary schools

Our company was founded with the ultimate aim of supporting the continuous flow of highly qualified and flexible labour all around Europe. We primarily focus on finding the perfect match for our Clients and Partners by selecting candidates from a pool of precisely examined professionals.

We are specialized in carrying out complex projects mainly in the Health Care sector by the indispensable support of our Partners. That includes not only the recruitment and selection process but also organizing language and cultural trainings up to the official EU standards and to arrange all the required certificates and documents.


Diplomă de licenţă de doctor medic
2. Certificat de medic specialist