1st International Perinatal TOTAL Health Congress

Data publicării: 10-01-2018

1st International Perinatal TOTAL Health Congress

Perioada: 27 - 30 iunie 2018
Locația: Sinaia, România
Tematică: Primele 1000 de zile din viață. Inovații și colaborări transdisciplinare

Site eveniment: www.perinatal2018international.org

Dragi colegi și prieteni,

Avem onoarea să vă invităm la prima ediție a International Perinatal TOTAL Health Congress: The First Thousand Days of Life care va avea loc în perioada 27 - 30 iunie 2018 la Sinaia, România.

Obiectivul principal al congresului este cel de a aduce în prim plan importanța primelor 1000 de zile din viața copiilor și consecințele asupra sănătății în decursul vieții.

Congresul fără precedent se va desfășura sub egida partenerilor noștri științifici, Organizația Mondială a Doctorilor de Familie, Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie Carol Davila, Universitatea Politehnică din București și a partenerilor organizatori: Asociația Română de Obstetrică și Ginecologie, Asociația Română de Neonatologie, Asociația Română de Pediatrie, Societatea Națională a Medicilor de Familie, Asociația Română de Epidemiologie, Societatea Română de Sănătate Publică și Management Sanitar.

Vă așteptăm cu drag la acest eveniment memorabil, cu o valoare științifică desăvârșită!

Peședinții congresului,
Prof. Eliot SOREL
Prof. Nicolae SUCIU

Date: 27 - 30 june 2018
Location: Sinaia, Romania
Theme: The First Thousand Days of Life. Innovations and Transdisciplinary Collaborations
Official site: ww.perinatal2018international.org

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Welcome to the 1st International Perinatal TOTAL Health Congress: The First Thousand Days of Life to be held in Sinaia, ROMANIA, on 27-30, June 2018. 

The main objectives of this historic Congress are to define the importance of the first thousand days of life and their lifelong health consequences; a focus on research, education and training, health systems and services, and health policies; and to highlight innovative and transdisciplinary projects that demonstrate the advantages of collaboration and integration in achieving TOTAL Health.

This unprecedented Congress is a joint initiative of our scientific partners, the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA), the World Psychiatric Association, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Politehnica University Bucharest; and our organizing partners, the Romanian Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Romanian Neonatology Association, the Romanian Pediatrics Association, the National Society of Family Medicine, the Romanian Epidemiology Association, the Romanian Society of Public Health and Health Management.

This Congress will also be catalytic to innovative, transdisciplinary projects to emerge from it; to enhance health promotion, protection, and illness prevention; and to stimulate new initiatives that will enhance health care access, quality and sustainability of health for all.

The scientific discourse of this congress will highlight latest research discoveries and their applications regarding the brain, genomics, microbiome, immune system; health promotion, protection, illness prevention in the perinatal period; vaccines and vaccinations and their lifelong relevance; breastfeeding, food safety for mothers and infants, the role of information, communication technology; collaborative, integrated care for achieving TOTAL Health. A Young Health Professionals’ Track (YHPT) will be part of this innovative, transdisciplinary congress.

We look forward to our robust scientific collaboration, to your participation in a memorable congress, and to welcoming you in beautiful Romania.

With best wishes,

Professor Eliot SOREL                 

Professor Nicolae SUCIU, Congress Presidents

Sursa: RALCOM, 10-01-2018, Vizualizari 1348
 Agentia Nationala de Presa Agerpres Stirile medicale sunt furnizate de Agentia Nationala de Presa "Agerpres", partenerul nostru pe sectiunea de Noutati si Stiri medicale.