Dentists for Germany
Acest job nu mai este activ (data de expirare a fost depașită).
Job publicat de: HEKA Recruitment
Locație: SW of Germany (Germania)
Telefon: 0742376839
Data: 12-04-2021
A modern private clinic from SW of Germany, founded 20 years ago, is recruiting EU Dentists with a good level of German and with/without post-graduate experience.
Locație: SW of Germany (Germania)
Telefon: 0742376839
Data: 12-04-2021
Gross monthly salary starts from €2,500 for a fresh graduate and can reach €15,000 (or more) for experienced Dentists who work at least 40 hours a week. The annual leave is of 27 -30 days.
The employment contracts are signed for at least 2-3 years and after 6-12 months of collaboration there will be a re-evaluation so the salary can be increased. In Germany, the first 2 years are called “assistenzzeit” and the Dentists will work under the supervision of a more experienced Dentist.