probleme cu vocea...

Nu este medic/terapeut
sunt un tanar de 20 de ani si am porbleme cu vocea, deoarece este foarte subtire desi am luat 3 luni testosteron si am urmat o terapie cu zinc...Se mai poate face ceva ca sa am si eu o voce normala???.Va multumesc!!
4 comentarii
12-08-2009, ora 08:39
Nu este medic/terapeut
Astfel de "tratamente" nu o sa va schimbe deloc vocea si nu o sa aduca nimic bun corpului, in afara
de intoxicatii si dereglari masive hormonale. Aatat zincul cat si testosteronul in dozele prescrise fac ravagii in corp. Consultati mai bine un medic homeopat si lasati astfel de "tratamente" caci medicina nu stie nici macar sa inlature o infectie daramite sa va schimbe vocea...

Zincul este unul din cele mai toxice metale si faptul ca este prescris de medic nu il face mai putin daunator. Din pacate doctorii habar nu au ce efecte au medicamentele pe care le dau de decenii intreg desi toxinele din ele sunt descrise in orice lexicon toxicologic.

Daca apar simptomele intoxicatiei cu zinc pe care multe la gasiti mai jos, sa stiti macar de la ce vin.
Intoxicatia cu zinc o puteti antidota cu usurinta cu zinc homeopatic, consultati un medic homeopat.

* OVER-STIMULATION of NERVOUS SYSTEM, leading to exhaustion of it.
- Over-active mind and ideas abundant. Loquacity.
- DISCONTENTED and complaining. Torments everyone with his complaints (Nit-ac).
- Irritability from noise (Ferr), talking of oters.
- Fits of anger with weakness afterwards. - - Mental weakness dimineata. Dullness. Confusion. Slowness in thinking. Mistakes in speeking and writing.
- Repeats questions before answering (Aur).
- Sadness evening. Feels calm when thinking of suicide.
- Superstitious (Arg-n. Con. Rhus-t. Stram).
- Children: Restless. Discontented (Calc-p/Sanic/Tub). - - Shrieking like a cow.
- Delirium with violence and desire to escape.
WEAKNESS of it in later stages Wine
- 11.00/Vaccination (Malandr/Sil/Thuj)/Cold
- Evening (Med/Sep)/ discharges/menses (Lach).
- Parkinson. - - SPASMS, JERKS, TICS, CHOREA.
FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Aversiune: Fish, sweets. - - winde (alcohol).
HEAD: - - MENINGITIS. Rolls head from side to side, shrieks, bores head in
pillow, twitching all over body, ending in stupor and paralysis (Hell).
- Forehead is cold and occiput is warm.
- Occiputal headache with rolling of head. - - Headache from wine. Open air.
EYES: - - Stitching pain inner canthi. - - Inflammation during menses (Ars.).
- Strabismus. - - Photophobia.
FACE: - - Cracks lips and corners of mouth. - - Twitchings, tics.
- Sickly, unhealthy, wiTered, wrinkled.
MOUTH: - - Grinding during sleep (Ars/Bell/Cina/Cann-i/Tub).
STOMACH: - - Gastritis, indigestion, wine, bread, veal, milk.
- Appetite increased around noon, 11 a.m. (Sulph).
BELLY: - - Cramping pain, colic, eating, noise, conversation.
AFTER: - - Suppressed Diaree gives cerebral complaints.
- Diaree during headache - - Constipatie or Diaree from wine.
BLADDER: - - Can urinate only when sitting, leaning backwards.
- Retention of urine from paralysis. Hysterical retention.
MALE GENITALIA: - - Desire increased. Violent erections.
- Easily excited. Premature ejaculation. - - Loss of pubic hair (Nat-m/Ph-ac/Sel).
- Child grasps genitals when coughing.
FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Strong desire. Masturbation. Nymphomania.
- before menses and by flow (Lach) - - Menses flow more at night (Mag-c).
RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic from suppressed discharge, menses, eruptions.
- DYSPNEA from least expectoration COUGH:
- Eating sweets. - - Dry cough in Te morning before menses and during menses.
CHEST: - - Pain mammae before or during menses.
BACK: - - Burning pain in spots; in spine sitting.
EXTREMITIES: - - Numbness and formication in legs when lying.
- RestlessNESS. CONSTANTLY MOVES LEGS and FEET (Rhus-t. Tarent), in bed.
- Twitches, jerks, electric-like activity in muscles. Hyperactivity in Te muscles.
- Painless paralysis. - - Pain in Te heels from wine.
- Varicose veins on legs, pregnancy (Ferr, Puls).
SLEEP: - - SleeplessNESS from RESTLESSNESS or jerking of extremities, especially
legs and feet (Ars. Caust. Rhus-t. Tarent).
- Wakes as from fright, with shrieking, recognizes no one.
- Comateuse sleep from suppressed eruptions.
SKIN: - - Eruptions. Fissures.
12-08-2009, ora 21:31
Terapeut Niculae Nicuşor
Medicina naturista, complementara, alternativa
Terapeut Niculae Nicuşor
Consulta un medic foniatru, pt ca s-ar putea sa suferi de mutatie vocala. Mergi la IFACF (Institutul de fono-audiologie si Chirurgie Functionala)prof. dr. Dorin Hociota din Bucuresti (il gasesti pe soseaua Panduri)...acolo iti vor face probabil o laringoscopie directa sau o laringo-videostromboscopie si te vor ajuta!

Toate cele bune si multa sanatate!
P.S. Zincul este benefic pt organism in doze zilnice de maxim 15 mg (doar zilcul chelatat cu aminoacizi), dar testosteronul exogen inhiba axul hipotalamo-hipofizo-testicular si deregleaza productia endogena de testosteron cu efecte f neplacute!

In speranta ca ti-am putut fi de folos, cu placere si deferenta,
N I C K;)
16-08-2010, ora 22:16
Nu este medic/terapeut
"P.S. Zincul este benefic pt organism in doze zilnice de maxim 15 mg (doar zilcul chelatat cu aminoacizi), dar testosteronul exogen inhiba axul hipotalamo-hipofizo-testicular si deregleaza productia endogena de testosteron cu efecte f neplacute!"

testosteronul ala exogen e produs de zincul luat de la farmacie?
16-08-2010, ora 22:35
Terapeut Niculae Nicuşor
Medicina naturista, complementara, alternativa
Terapeut Niculae Nicuşor

NU, nu este!
Testosteronul exogen este testosteronul care se află în exteriorul organismului dvs., adică se află în preparate farmaceutice existente pe rafturile farmaciilor, printre altele, dar care poate fi introdus în organism prin diferite modalităţi, de exemplu, prin injectare sau prin plasturi transdermici.
Testosteronul exogen poate fi cumpărat NUMAI cu prescripţie medicală şi poate fi administrat NUMAI cu aviz medical :-) Dvs. nu aveţi nevoie de aşa ceva!!!

Numai bine!
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